Purchase Order Features

Purchase Order

The Purchase Order Window defines a purchase order for an organization. When a Purchase Order has been entered you can generate a Material Receipt Document or Invoice (Vendor) from this Purchase Order

  • TFR Mapping
  • Multi-Currency
  • Multi Price List
  • Project Mapping
  • Asset Mapping
  • Serial No and Lot Mapping
  • Charge mapping
  • Custom Product
  • Line level discount by percentage and amount
  • Overall discount
  • Special discount
  • Generate material receipt with serial number
  • Copy lines from different PO
  • Multiple Print options
  • Multiple UOM

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Purchase Order Summary

The Purchase Order Summary provides summary information on purchase orders. This report is evaluating your purchasing activities and reviewing the purchase orders created within a specific period.

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Purchase Order Detail

The Purchase Order Details provides detailed information on each purchase order’s line items. This report is useful in reviewing the details of the inventory items included in purchase order and evaluating the accuracy of each purchase order information.

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Outstanding Purchase Order Report

Outstanding purchase order report defines purchase order made and not yet received (Material Receipt).